Friendly Visitors are people who visit on a regular basis (usually about once a month) members who are no longer able to worship with us on Sundays or participate in the various activities of the church – usually because they are home-bound or in care centers.  Once active in our common life, the “visitees” welcome hearing a word about what is going on at FCC, but mostly they appreciate knowing that they are not forgotten.  It is truly amazing what a phone call, a card, an in-person connection can mean.


Jesus said that when you visit the sick or those in prison, you do it to him.  So Friendly Visitors not only gift the visitee, but they honor Jesus.  Currently our visiting team consists of only a few members, but as our congregation holds more and more people who would welcome this kind of personal connection with the church, we hope to expand this ministry in the coming year.  The Deacons do a lot of connecting through their delivery of flowers and general outreach, but we really could use some more folks in this caring, friendly visitor’s ministry.